RAmen in Nagoya Japan with Pay Katsuyuki

Pay Katsuyuki took me to Koonan Ramen in Nagoya where they have his art on display. Pay makes ramen at a different Koonan location. It really is the best ramen I have ever had. Everything there was great, gyooza, eggplant, even meatballs.
I would like to have a swimming pool full of it, or at least a bathtub or small jacuzzi.
Pay is a great artist and I did a whole post about him earlier in this blog

I hope you will take a look at it and see his beautiful art work.

Giant Robot Museum Show with James Jean and David Choe

James Jean
Dave Choe

Saturday October 24th was the opening reception for the Giant Robot Beinnale 2 art exhibit at the Japanese American National Museum in LA. The show runs through January 24th, so make sure to check it out if you are in LA.
They featured work from my friend and neighbor James Jean, and his good friend David Choe, who is also a very nice man. They also have work from my friends Kozyndan as well as Souther Salazar, Jeff Soto and many others.

I went with my friend the Gooch, but we could only stay for a little bit because we had tickets to see Mr. Daniel Johnston play a concert in Hollywood.

When we got to the Museum, we were very surprised to find James and Dave up on stage playing music. James was playing keyboards and Dave Choe was playing drums, with Goh Nakamura on guitar. If you have seen my videos of James you know that he is a very talented trumpeter, but he also plays piano and he is an accomplished hand whistler.

Here is a video of James and I last Christmas.

2 New Color variations of t-shirts

I just printed two new colors of "Mistaken Bear" and "The Decision".
Like all my t-shirts, I hand screen print these myself. They will be available at the Royal-T in Culver City (I think they are $25) and you can also get them direct from me. Just send an email to kentanakala ( at) gmail (dot) com and request your size.

I have them in Boys XL through Mens XL. For girls I recommend a boys xl or mens small.

These other prints are also available.

Drawing Drawings and Painting Paintings

I have been working on illustrating a new book. It's kind a children's book for grown ups but I can't tell you what it's about yet. My goal is to finish the book and have my next art show feature the drawings and the book for sale.

For page one, I drew 7 cute animals. Right now I am working on page 2 and I am drawing 7 scary animals. Today I have been drawing sharks. It's not so easy to draw an animal exactly how you want him. Sometimes I have to draw the same animal, over and over again all day or all week, 100 times, till I finally get him to look right. I spent a week just to get a nice cute elephant done. I think I drew 117 of them. Now my room is covered in elephants.

I'm having a harder time with the scary animals. I'm not sure which animals to include. This is what I have so far as possible scary animals.
Sting RAy
Jelly Fish
Pit Bull Doggy
Lion or mountain lion

If you have any comments about these animals, or any ideas of other scary animals, please let me know.

The drawing above is one I drew yesterday while I was doing sketches of alligators. I couldn't get it quite right, so I decided to color one in just to see if that would make it look better. This alligator doesn't look how I want it to look in the picture book, but that doesn't make him a bad alligator. He just wants to be loved, so he has crawled out of his swamp onto land to see if someone will love him. Will you love this alligator? Serious replies only please.