No shirt, No shoes, No service cartoon.

I painted this joke the other day. Before posting this I did a search on Google images and it turns out there are lots of people making this joke. There's even a photo from the 1970's that illustrates this joke, and a single panel cartoon that looks almost like mine but with no dialogue. I decided to post it anyway.
I have had a few ideas that I abandoned when I saw something similar or exactly alike while doing a Google search. I once though of making t-shirts that say "I have mixed feelings about New York, but would be designed just like an "I Love New York" shirt. It turned out that someone had done the exact same wording and similar design already.

I was thinking of eating a tuna sandwich for lunch, but I just googled it and found that several people have already done that too.

By the way, Amazon's cyber monday sale is still going on. The new HarperCollins version of book is on pre-order sale for 33% off in the link below. It's hardback with 16 new pages.

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Pre-Order my book on Amazon now for $5 off!

Amazon has a holiday sale. The new Harper Design (HarperCollins) hard cover edition of my book is on sale for pre-order for just $9.99 (Reg. 14.99). I'm not sure how long this offer will last. Click the icon below to buy a copy. The new edition has 16 new pages. Or you can still get some limited copies of the first edition at my website. I only have a few left, and they will be available only till February of 2014

Turkey blames himself

It's November 27th and Jacob Turkey knows he doesn't have much time left. Most of his friends and kin are gone already. He blames himself, and his plumage for making him look so tasty. Some will say that he is asking for it. "He shouldn't put on such vibrant plumage if he doesn't want our attention." they'll say. But, is it fair to judge a turkey by his dress? Can any of us, upon sight alone, know what is in the mind of a turkey? Perhaps it is time to try talking to our turkeys before we decide what "they want".
Jacob is a gifted conversationalist.
If you lean in closely you can probably hear him gobble the words..."あとわずかだな。”

Pre-Order the new hardback HarperCollins edition of Everybody Dies: A Children's book for Grown-Ups.

Portrait of My Brother as a Middle Aged Man

I wanted to do some portraits of my brother David Ury, but he doesn't sit still very well. He also talks a lot. I tried to draw some pictures of him while he sat in front of me, but they all turned out blurry. For the cartoony one, I had to use his episodes of Breaking Bad and his character Spooge as a reference. For the other one, I used a photo of him by the famous photographer Alyona Federenko. She is very handsome.
The 2nd one will be used for his about the co-author page on our new HarperCollins Design version of Everybody Dies: A Children's Book for Grown Ups.
You can pre-order the new version of the book here.

How to improve your Japanese accent.

In this video I help my brother learn to speak better Japanese and improve his accent. My brother speaks very fine Japanese but his accent is a bit strong. You may have met him before in my videos #13, 28 and 48. This is the first time in a few years that we have done a video together.

Pre-Order the new hardback HarperCollins edition of Everybody Dies: A Children's book for Grown-Ups.