How to Speak Fluent Japanese by speaking English with Remi and Ken

In our new video, Remi and I teach you how to speak fluent japanese by speaking English. People often say that Japanese is the easiest language in the world to learn. It's true, by following this video and our other series, How to Speak Fluent Japanese Without Saying a Word, anybody can learn to speak Japanese. My friend even taught a very small donkey to speak Japanese using our videos.

I hope you learn a lot from this one.

Merry Chirstmas everybody and happy everything.

Ken Tanaka will love you even more in 2010. I promise.


Jacob the Unhappy Rabbit

I met my friend Jacob the Happy Rabbit about 18 months ago. He appeared in some comics that I made and He and I became good friends.
I like Jacob because he is always happy, and can cheer me up when I am down.

I had never met any of Jacob's relatives until I met his cousin Jacob the unhappy rabbit earlier this morning. They are cousins, but they are very different. Jacob the unhappy rabbit lives in a small patch of grass in a parking lot in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Jacob the unhappy rabbit is a realist. His thoughts have even influenced the way he looks and given his fur and features a more realistic look than his cousin's. Jacob the unhappy rabbit feels lonesome all the time, even when he is surrounded by other rabbits. I like Jacob the unhappy rabbit, but I feel bad for him. He says he has an empty feeling inside his rabbit belly. I tried to pet him, but he moved out of the way.

Jacob the Happy Rabbit lives all over the world. He hops from place to place and meets different people and objects and animals and they almost always make him happy. Sometimes he makes them happy too. He has only met his cousin twice. I'm not sure what would happen if they spent more time together. Maybe I can lock them in a rabbit hole together for a few days and see what happens. Somebody could make a reality show about it.

If you haven't met Jacob the happy rabbit before (pictured above), you can see him in these videos. "Kabuki" Comic book artist David Mack, encouraged me to make my own comic, so I went home and drew Jacob. Later, many nice artists helped me draw Jacob comics, like James Jean and Paul Pope. I haven't made a Jacob comic lately, but maybe I will do one soon.


Ethiopian Food and Zine Comic book writer Carrie McNinch

This Saturday I went to the Buff Monster gallery show opening at Corey Helford. Afterwords, some friends took me to eat Ethiopian food at a restaurant in Fairfax called Mercado. One of the friends in this picture is Carrie McNinch who writes the comic zine "You can't get there from here" (see below).

Ethiopian food is good for these three reasons.
1. Yummy
2. You get to eat with your hands.
3. The food has nice names like Firfir and Fitfit and Chicken Tibs. These are all good names for babies too.

We got a vegetable plate with many bean curries. It is all served on a sour spongy crepe called Injera. You also get a basket of injera and you can use it like Indian Nan to scoop up the curries.
They also roast their own coffee in front of you.
If I am ever a coffee bean, I hope I will end up there.

This is Carrie's comic. My friend Dr. Mao introduced me to her comics which you can get here.
I like to read home made comics and this is my favorite one so far.

Her comics are good for these reasons.
1. Funny
2. Sad
3. True

Carrie likes coffee and she even goes to Rome just to drink her favorite cappucino. If you read about it in volume 3, above, you will want to go to rome.

Her zine is about her real life, her friends, her cats, and she writes very honestly about things she struggles with. She also has a neat t-shirt she made with her cat on it which she sells.
I think it is important to have a t-shirt with a cat on it.

Hello! It's me Ken Tanaka

Hello Everyone. This is my first post in this blog.
I haven't been making videos lately because I was traveling to El Salvador. I will have a video about it soon. I got back last week and then got busy getting ready for a new art gallery show by Cafemode. The show is at Shojin in the Little Tokyo part of Los Angeles. They were nice enough to have me as the featured artist this time. I will have about 40 pieces in this show. Other participating artists are my friend Remi February (She is very handsome), Mari (from the Ken Tanaka meets a Japanese Dominatrix video) and curator Kio Griffith.

The show will be going on till September 16th so if you are in Los Angeles or will be visiting , I hope you can stop by.

The opening of the show was last night and it was very nice. Many of my friends and youtube viewers came and I was very happy.

Now that the show is up, it's time for me to go back to my search for Jonathan and Linda Smith. Maybe they will find this blog some how.