Bovine Transformation- Taipei, Taiwan

Last year I made a trip to Taipei, and I had so much video it took me a long time to edit it all. I think this is my last Taiwan video. It shows a lot of the tasty street foods I ate.

I think I made five total videos of TAiwan. Below you can see the other four. I was hoping to go to Taiwan this summer to take some Chinese classes, but my herniated disc injury (Jacob the herniated disc) has kept me stuck.

Everything Baby is Delicious

I got these baby tangerine (Mikan) at a farmer's market. I always eat a baby tangerine every chance I get. They are so tiny and sour and cute and delicious.

Babies are always more delicious and sweet and tender than grown up things. Why do babies taste so good?

Here are some of my favorite babies to eat. Did I miss any of your favorites?

Baby carrot,
Baby Corn,
Baby pig (piglet),
Baby cupcake,
Baby tomato,
Baby cow,
Baby sheeps,
Unborn baby fishes (salmon eggs and smelt, and others)
Baby chickens,
Baby pancakes ( I call a small bit of pancake batter that drips onto a fry pan "baby pancake" and they are flat and tasty.)
Baby Gooses (Gosling)
Baby Shitake,
Sugar Babies,
Baby Ruth bar,