Doko Demo World Song by Ken Tanaka Band どこでもワールド

EArlier this week we posted our song Doko Demo World. I wrote this song 11 years ago, but I only had the chorus (part sung by the girl in this) and the music. Last Fall Polo and TEruko and I got together in Polo's studio to record a version of Nanatsu no Ko (karasu) and when we finished, I mentioned this song. We played around and this is what we got.
I met Polo surfing in Los Angeles, and I met Teruko when she was working at an art show I had work in.

Youtube was kind enough to give me some credit at BH camera earlier this year, and I used it to buy the canon SLR rebel t2i camera. It's a bit hard to shoot on for me, since I'm used to making videos with a camcorder or flip. Takeo is a professional photographer and cinematographer though, so he was able to make the Rebel T2i work great for this video.

We shot for 3 days in Los Angeles. We were lucky that the flowers were in bloom :-) They don't last very long. Most of the footage is shot on a 50mm lens, but some is also on a 18-120 zoom lens.

I'm very happy with how the video looks and I hope it makes you happy.

This is the studio version. This was us recording with my Flip the day we were first working on the song. We recorded it with Polo a few days later. Polo is a master producer and did all the recording and sound editing.

I Lately I've been very satisfied by getting to make this song, and also my book Everybody Dies, and the gallery show that is up now. It goes till July 9th, so if you haven't seen it and you are in LA, please stop by. We will have a closing, signing party on July 9th (SAT) from 2-4pm

Ken and Takeo at Torrance ARt Museum Charity Event

On March 26th TAkeo and I visited an art charity event at Torrance Art Museum. I had a few pieces in the show that I posted on my blog a while back. The event was a big success and raised more than $7000.

My t-shirt event from a few weeks ago also raised $400. I'm happy to see so many people donating their work and money to help.

Takeo has also been active in organizing and donating.

If you don't know Takeo, here are a few videos we have made together.

I first meet Takeo

We made this "How to speak fluent Japanese" without saying a word video

We made these songs

We won a 2010 Japan Youtube Award. やった!

Takeo and I were recently nominated for the 2010 Youtube Japan Video awards for our video Scream of Slacker ニートの叫び。

I'm happy to say that thanks to all of you and your support we won the award. I would also like to congratulate Ericsurf6 and Ciaela who also won awards in the nature and How to categories.  皆さん応援してくれて本当にありがとうございます。

We definitely could not have won without your votes, support and love. Thank you all so much.

Last year, I was also lucky enough to receive a youtube award for the video below "I Am Robot". I got a nice trophy in the mail from Youtube. Thanks so much for continuing to support me and my videos.

Ken Tanaka Band live in Los Angeles Monday 13th

This coming Monday 13th, I will be performing a live show at 2nd Street Jazz in Los Angeles.
366 E 2nd St
Los Angeles, CA 90012

The show goes from 9-11pm and I think we will go on around 9:45. Tickets are $10. PLease make sure you tell them you are there for Ken Tanaka when you buy your ticket.

I will be playing about 20-30 minutes and probably doing 6-8 songs with Takeo, Polo and our new guest vocalist the very handsome Teruko-Chan. Three of the songs are brand new and we've never played them for an audience before.

You can hear Teruko singing a song from Urusei Yatsura here.

Here are some of the songs you can hear.

Butterfly on head 頭に蝶々

This is the new song by Takeo and I. This song started as an improvisation and then we changed it a little bit and added some things. It's in Japanese but with English subtitles. If you are studying Japanese, please see the video description on YouTube to see the lyrics written out in romaji (roman alphabet).

Takeo and I also made this song, which YouTube was nice enough to feature on the Japan website. Last week we got a call from a Japanese TV show asking if they can use our song in their show. I don't think it ended up happening though.

We also got to perform that song live in Los Angeles.