I don't pay a lot of attention to what is trending on Twitter. Usually it is a celebrity or One Direction member that I have not heard of. But today, I woke up to find #UnicornsRule was trending. This is finally something that I can get excited about. I happen to have an antique rare copy of Smith's Unicorn Etiquette Guide (out of print). It's written by unicorns for unicorns, unlike some of the more modern unicorn guides which are actually written by horses and in some cases donkeys painted white with a sad, droopy horn glued to their head. Here are the first seven Unicorn's Rules.
#1 Never wash your horn in salt water. It can eat away your horn's natural enamel. Only wash with Daizen brand mineral water
#2 When meeting someone for the first time always lower your horn to 45 degrees.
#3 If you receive a gift, always write a thank you note. E-mail is fine but hoofwritten is better
#4 Never comment on the shape of a stranger's horn. Every horn is beautiful in its way.
#5 Don't be a jerk. We are so rare that one unicorn's bad behavior can ruin the reputation of the entire species.
#6 Never say anything to a unicorn online that you wouldn't say to her in person.
#7 When running with horse, mule or zebra, never call attention to their lack of horn.