Turkey blames himself

It's November 27th and Jacob Turkey knows he doesn't have much time left. Most of his friends and kin are gone already. He blames himself, and his plumage for making him look so tasty. Some will say that he is asking for it. "He shouldn't put on such vibrant plumage if he doesn't want our attention." they'll say. But, is it fair to judge a turkey by his dress? Can any of us, upon sight alone, know what is in the mind of a turkey? Perhaps it is time to try talking to our turkeys before we decide what "they want".
Jacob is a gifted conversationalist.
If you lean in closely you can probably hear him gobble the words..."あとわずかだな。”

Pre-Order the new hardback HarperCollins edition of Everybody Dies: A Children's book for Grown-Ups.

Mandrill is interested in you.

This is Brett the Mandrill. He finds you fascinating. The drab color of your epidermis and fur. Your tiny baby teeth. Your dainty, thin eyebrows. Brett could watch you for hours. Brett the Mandrill is part of a new page for a book I am making. For more about Mandrills please visit Equatorial Guinea.

Pre-Order the new hardback HarperCollins edition of Everybody Dies: A Children's book for Grown-Ups. http://www.amazon.com/Everybody-Dies-Childrens-Book-Grown-ups/dp/0062329642/ref=sr_1_1_bnp_2_har?ie=UTF8&qid=1385671838&sr=8-1&keywords=everybody+dies%3A+a+children%27s+book+for+grown+ups

Friday, June 10th, Everybody Dies- A Children's Book for Grown Ups art show in Los Angeles

Friday, June 10th, Lebasse Projects Chinatown in Los Angeles will hold an art show featuring the original work from my book Everybody Dies- A Children's Book for Grown Ups.

All pages of the book will be on display in their original form. There will also be a pre-release book signing, with preview copies of the new, soon to be released deluxe edition of the book. It's 32 pages, full color, printed on heavy art paper.

If you can't make it to the gallery, you can still get signed copies at my website.

The show will run till July 9th.

See me read aloud the first half of the book here

Everybody Dies Show update June 10th

My Book release and art gallery show in LA's Lebasse projects Chinatown
I have been framing all of the original art and getting ready for the show.

I just got a shipment of 30 boxes of a fancy new four color press print of the book too. My first printing was a very limited run that was made digitally (There are still a few copies left if you'd like a 1st print). The new book is longer (32 pages), with a proper title page and some end pages, it is also much sturdier with very vibrant colors.

I found out today that "Mama J" from the very handsome website MOmtalkonline made a nice review and shout out to my book. Thanks Mama J. Momtallkonlin is a site of forums and posts about mom related topics. I am not a mom, but I am still able to look at the site.

I'm hoping to get some more reviews in blogs and papers and such to correspond with my June 10th release, so if you know anybody who might be interested please let me know :-)
If you live in the California area, I hope to see you at the June 10th opening reception from 7-10pm (friday). I think we will also have a book signing on June 11th (7-10PM?)

Everybody Dies Book Release and Gallery show in LA June 10th

This friday May 6th is the opening of my Phoenix art gallery show at Cade Gallery.
You can see some of the paintings here.

I am also getting ready for my first Los Angeles solo art gallery show at Lebasse projects in Chinatown. It's the Everybody Dies- A Children's Book for Grown Ups book release and gallery show. It will have an opening reception the evening of Friday, June 10th and run for 3 or 4 weeks.

I have been framing all the paintings. Each one is about 15 x 19 inches. I will have every page of the book including a few of the alternative paintings that didn't make it.

I will also have a new printed version of the book on sale with 32 full color pages. There are still a few of the first printing left if you'd like to get one at http://www.everybodydiesbook.com

If you haven't seen the book, you can hear me read the first half of the book aloud in the video below.

Everybody Dies- A Children's Book for Grown Ups

Today I announced the release of my new book, Everybody Dies- A Children's Book for Grown Ups.
The book is available at http://www.everybodydiesbook.com

I spent the last year making this book. It is 24 full color pages, 8 x 10 inch paperback. It's made to help grown ups deal with their fear of the inevitable fate that is waiting for all of us (even very cute snails).

I will make a bigger announcement on my main channel soon.

The books will arrive to me early next week, so I don't know if I can get them out to people by X-mas. Maybe I can get them to people who live in the WEst Coast of US....otherwise they will take a while longer I think.

I also have lots of shirts and posters available.


There is a facebook page too.